Hi all, I want to secure my Solr cluster and added security.json to the Zookeeper cluster in the chroot. But I always get the following log entries:
2024-11-20 07:09:14.036 INFO (main) [c: s: r: x: t:] o.a.s.c.c.ConnectionManager Client is connected to ZooKeeper 2024-11-20 07:09:15.081 WARN (main) [c: s: r: x: t:] o.a.s.c.ZkController Contents of zookeeper /security.json are world-readable; consider setting up ACLs as described in https://solr.apache.org/guide/solr/latest/deployment-guide/zookeeper-access-control.html 2024-11-20 07:09:15.435 INFO (main) [c: s: r: x: t:] o.a.s.c.c.ZkStateReader Updated live nodes from ZooKeeper... (0) -> (2) 2024-11-20 07:09:16.082 INFO (main) [c: s: r: x: t:] o.a.s.c.DistributedClusterStateUpdater Creating DistributedClusterStateUpdater with useDistributedStateUpdate=false. Solr will be using Overseer based cluster state updates. 2024-11-20 07:09:16.354 INFO (main) [c: s: r: x: t:] o.a.s.c.ZkController Publish node=localhost:8984_solr as DOWN 2024-11-20 07:09:17.411 INFO (main) [c: s: r: x: t:] o.a.s.c.ZkController Register node as live in ZooKeeper:/live_nodes/localhost:8984_solr 2024-11-20 07:09:17.693 INFO (zkCallback-15-thread-1) [c: s: r: x: t:] o.a.s.c.c.ZkStateReader Updated live nodes from ZooKeeper... (2) -> (3) 2024-11-20 07:09:18.017 WARN (main) [c: s: r: x: t:] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Not all security plugins configured! authentication=disabled authorization=disabled. Solr is only as secure as you make it. Consider configuring authentication/authorization before exposing Solr to users internal or external. See https://s.apache.org/solrsecurity for more info Is securing access control to Zookeeper a requirement to enable Solr security when using Solr with Zookeeper? Thanks in advance. Mihael Mihael Schmidt Software Engineering Bauformat K?chen GmbH & Co. KG Kattwinkel 1 | 32584 L?hne | Deutschland Fon: +495732 102-379 Fax: +495732 102-300 Mail: mschm...@bauformat.de<mailto:mschm...@bauformat.de> Internet: www.bauformat.de<http://www.bauformat.de> [cid:Logo_BAUFORMAT_sw_130px_61b65919-4a79-4edc-a81a-8b84d76dc540.png] Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 124323068 - Steuer-Nr.: 310/5705/0461 / Finanzamt B?nde - Handelsregister Bad Oeynhausen HRA 1801 Komplement?rin: Bauformat K?chen Verwaltungs GmbH - Handelsregister Bad Oeynhausen HRB 1465 Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Michael Assner, Matthias Berens, Sabine Brockschnieder [cid:Email_Banner_baumannacademy_dVKH_0c40224c-a938-4563-bfe5-320a024e6fa3.jpg]<https://www.baumannacademy.com/anmelden> Wir erf?llen unsere Informationspflichten zum Datenschutz gem. Artt. 13-14 DS-GVO durch Ver?ffentlichung auf unserer Internetseite unter: www.bauformat.de/datenschutz<http://www.bauformat.de/datenschutz> oder durch Zusendung auf Ihre formlose Anfrage.