
We had a similar where some of shard were going down and making our cluster
not in good state when we use solr-9.6.0. We upgraded the solr version to
9.6.1 and that solved the problem. Please refer the recent conversation in
different thread from me for the same.

Sathish P

On Tue, 19 Nov, 2024, 15:21 Schmidt, Mihael, <mschm...@bauformat.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to set up a Solr cluster. I have installed a Zookeeper cluster
> which works fine. I have set up 3 Solr nodes and created a collection with
> „number of shards: 3“ and „replication factor: 3“. As far as I understand
> it every node has every shard and contains a full replication of the whole
> data. So far so good. I have added some data and done some queries. All
> worked fine.
> Now I wanted to test an outage of one node and killed one Solr node. The
> Solr cluster keeps on functioning. Queries and updates of the index work
> fine.
> But when I start the node again it is gets some error message that it
> could not load the core. I stopped that node again. Deleted all the data in
> its data home folder and started the node again. Now I don’t get any errors
> but the node won’t load any data. Under Cloud -> Nodes it says in the
> column „Replicas“ that all replicas on that node are down.
> Queries to the restarted node will be successfully answered by that node.
> In Zookeeper i see that the restarted node is listed under live_nodes and
> overseer_elect -> leader election.
> How do I get that node up and running again?
> I am using Solr 9.6.0 and running Windows 10.
> Thanks in advance.
> Mihael
> *Mihael SchmidtSoftware Engineering Bauformat Küchen GmbH & Co. KG*
> Kattwinkel 1 | 32584 Löhne | Deutschland
> Fon: +495732 102-379
> Fax: +495732 102-300
> Mail: mschm...@bauformat.de
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