Hi all,
My id field is composed like this: CC1234X5678 I need to delete the X to obtain : CC12345678 I know to do it for an another field like this: <doc> <field name="id">AC2345X5678</field> <field name="ls" update="set">BBB</field> </doc> Is it possible to update the id field himself ? Please note: It's not possible for to extract all information of each doc and re-import. But I can easely generate the file that contains: <doc> <field name="id">AX234505678</field> <field name="id" update="set">AX23455678</field> </doc> Thank for your help, Cordialement, Best Regards Bruno Mannina <http://www.matheo-software.com/> www.matheo-software.com <http://www.patent-pulse.com/> www.patent-pulse.com Mob. +33 0 634 421 817 -- Cet e-mail a été vérifié par le logiciel antivirus d'Avast. www.avast.com