Hi all,

Recently, I found the following configuration in a solrcloud cluster ver.
8.11.2 (2 core 32GB RAM).

*    <maxDocs>${solr.autoSoftCommit.maxDocs:1}</maxDocs>*

my attention was captured by autoSoftCommit.maxDocs set to 1.
IMHO having softcommit maxdoc set to 1 is a (little?) dangerous
This implies that for each updated document all SolrCloud nodes have to be
Not sure what happens behind the scene, and that's the question.
In other words, consider that the solrcloud cluster receives a spike of
updates (thousands of documents or more), for each document a softcommit is
triggered for the whole cluster, what do you think, what happens?

Best regards,

Vincenzo D'Amore

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