Hi Thomas,

I can’t reproduce the exact results, but this might be caused by the space 
character, which is double-encoded (%2520). Are you still seeing the issue if 
you replace it with %20?
Kind regards,


On 2024/09/14 08:56:55 Thomas Åkesson wrote:
> Hi,
> We have come across a potentially incorrect lexical error with the following 
> combination in the query:
>  - Parentheses in the search term (tried both escaping and quoting)
>  - Query parser within {}. Actual use-case is using !graph but clearer 
> reproduction with something simple like !boost. 
>  - Using AND before the {!something ...} query.
> This query fails:
> curl 
> 'http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/select?q=inStock:true+AND+%7B%21boost+b%3Dmanufacturedate_dt%7Dname%3Athe%2520%5C%28concept%5C%29.xml'
> {
>   "responseHeader":{
>     "status":400,
>     "QTime":1,
>     "params":{
>       "q":"inStock:true AND {!boost 
> b=manufacturedate_dt}name:the%20\\(concept\\).xml"
>     }
>   },
>   "error":{
> "metadata":["error-class","org.apache.solr.common.SolrException","root-error-class","org.apache.solr.parser.TokenMgrError"],
>     "msg":"org.apache.solr.search.SyntaxError: Cannot parse 
> 'name:the%20\\(concept\\': Lexical error at line 1, column 22.  Encountered: 
> <EOF> (in lexical state 3)",
>     "code":400
>   }
> Fails when quoted (no escaping needed?):
> curl 
> 'http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/select?q=inStock:true+AND+%7B%21boost+b%3Dmanufacturedate_dt%7Dname%3A%22the%2520%28concept%29.xml%22'
> {
>   "responseHeader":{
>     "status":400,
>     "QTime":1,
>     "params":{
>       "q":"inStock:true AND {!boost 
> b=manufacturedate_dt}name:\"the%20(concept).xml\""
>     }
>   },
>   "error":{
> "metadata":["error-class","org.apache.solr.common.SolrException","root-error-class","org.apache.solr.parser.TokenMgrError"],
>     "msg":"org.apache.solr.search.SyntaxError: Cannot parse 
> 'name:\"the%20(concept': Lexical error at line 1, column 21.  Encountered: 
> <EOF> after prefix \"\\\"the%20(concept\" (in lexical state 3)",
>     "code":400
>   }
> Removing the closing parenthesis works:
> curl 
> 'http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/select?q=inStock:true+AND+%7B%21boost+b%3Dmanufacturedate_dt%7Dname%3Athe%2520%5C%28concept.xml'
> Removing the statement before works:
> curl 
> 'http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/select?q=%7B%21boost+b%3Dmanufacturedate_dt%7Dname%3Athe%2520%5C%28concept%5C%29.xml'
> Has anyone seen this issue before? Tested with 8.3 and 9.6.1.
> Thanks in advance,
> Thomas Å.

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