I have successfully got SOLR 8.11.1 running under SSL from the windows command 
line solr.bat by changing solr.in.cmd to configure the SSL.

I have a windows service that keeps SOLR live by running the jar file, with 
parameters passed to it.

I went to the dashboard screen, and grabbed all of the -D commands and put them 
in the request:

(run in administrator mode)
CD E:\ApacheSolr8_11_1\server
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-21\bin\java.exe" -Dsolr.solr.home=solr 
-Djetty.port=8983 -Djetty.home=E:\ApacheSolr8_11_1\server -DSTOP.PORT=8087 
-DSTOP.KEY=stopsolr -Djetty.logs=E:\ApacheSolr8_11_1\server\logs 
-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=password -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStoreType=PKCS12  
-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStoreType=PKCS12 -Dsolr.jetty.https.port=8983 
-Dsolr.jetty.inetaccess.excludes= -Dsolr.jetty.inetaccess.includes= 
-Dsolr.jetty.ssl.needClientAuth=false -Dsolr.jetty.ssl.wantClientAuth=false 
-Dsolr.jetty.truststore.password=--redacted-- -Dsolr.ssl.checkPeerName=true 
-jar E:\ApacheSolr8_11_1\server\start.jar --module=http

It runs but it doesn't have ssl enabled.

Here's what I'm seeing in the log that comes up when I run it. Notice that it 
recognizes the keystore, but cant  create the client endpoint

2024-09-09 14:56:42.704 INFO  (main) [   ] o.a.s.h.c.HttpShardHandlerFactory 
Host whitelist initialized: WhitelistHostChecker [whitelistHosts=null, 
2024-09-09 14:56:42.938 INFO  (main) [   ] o.e.j.u.s.SslContextFactory 
 --redacted--, --redacted--],a=[],w=[]) for 
2024-09-09 14:56:43.048 WARN  (main) [   ] o.e.j.u.s.S.config No Client 
EndPointIdentificationAlgorithm configured for 
2024-09-09 14:56:43.198 INFO  (main) [   ] o.e.j.u.s.SslContextFactory 
 --redacted--, --redacted--],a=[],w=[]) for 
2024-09-09 14:56:43.198 WARN  (main) [   ] o.e.j.u.s.S.config No Client 
EndPointIdentificationAlgorithm configured for 
2024-09-09 14:56:43.261 WARN  (main) [   ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Not all 
security plugins configured!  authentication=disabled authorization=disabled.  
Solr is only as secure as you make it. Consider configuring 
authentication/authorization before exposing Solr to users internal or 
external.  See https://s.apache.org/solrsecurity for more info

What parameters am I missing? Or what am I doing wrong?

I have tried adding -Dsolr.ssl.enabled=true, but it didn't seem to help.


Staff Software Engineer
Global Specialty
[The Hartford]<https://www.thehartford.com/>
The Hartford
83 Wooster Heights Rd. | 2nd floor
Danbury, CT, 06810
W: 475-329-6251
Email: richard.hod...@thehartford.com<mailto:richard.hod...@thehartford.com>

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