Hallo Sathish P,

I have the same issue while upgrading from 9.5.0 to 9.6.0. So that I have 
reverted to 9.5.0 then the issue solved...

Manu Jose
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Sathish Ponnusamy <sathishrp...@gmail.com> 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 4. September 2024 15:12
An: solr-u...@lucene.apache.org
Betreff: SolrCore failed to load on startup and not in cluster state

We have created a collection and indexed the data into solr-9.6.0 version which 
is running in solr cloud mode. After a brief period the solr shards went down 
and it was throwing an error like below. Did anyone face this problem earlier 
and what fix to be provided?

*Solr config details:*

   - Solr running on 3 VMs.
   - ZK running on 3 VM’s.
   - Solr version - 9.6.0
   - Zk version – 3.9.2
   - Authentication enabled.

*Error from Console Logging*

ERROR false       my_collection_shard1_replica_n14
CoreContainer              SolrCore my_collection_shard1_replica_n14 in
/data/my_collection_shard1_replica_n14 is not in cluster state.

ERROR false       my_collection_shard1_replica_n14
CoreContainer              SolrCore failed to load on startup

ERROR false       my_collection_shard3_replica_n32
CoreContainer              SolrCore my_collection_shard3_replica_n32 in
/data/my_collection_shard3_replica_n32 is not in cluster state.

ERROR false       my_collection_shard3_replica_n32
CoreContainer              SolrCore failed to load on startup

ERROR false       my_collection_shard4_replica_n56
CoreContainer              SolrCore my_collection_shard4_replica_n56 in
/data/my_collection_shard4_replica_n56 is not in cluster state.

ERROR false       my_collection_shard4_replica_n56
CoreContainer              SolrCore failed to load on startup

ERROR false       my_collection_shard6_replica_n10
CoreContainer              SolrCore my_collection_shard6_replica_n10 in
/data/my_collection_shard6_replica_n10 is not in cluster state.

ERROR false       my_collection_shard6_replica_n10
CoreContainer              SolrCore failed to load on startup

ERROR false       my_collection_shard8_replica_n62
CoreContainer              SolrCore my_collection_shard8_replica_n62 in
/data/my_collection_shard8_replica_n62 is not in cluster state.

ERROR false       my_collection_shard8_replica_n62
CoreContainer              SolrCore failed to load on startup

Sathish P

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