*Short answer:* Yes

*Slightly longer answer: *Azure supports Linux so that's the easy button.
If you have reasons that you must do it, Windows is also supported.

*Typical annoyingly long answer from me:* Cloud provider doesn't matter
much, but if you're at all able to, deploy on Linux. It's been about a
decade since I encountered a customer that wanted to run Solr on Windows.
It's certainly supposed to be possible, there are some folks who do, and we
do provide Windows start/stop scripts, but it's not as common (perhaps
becoming less common with the increasing popularity of Kubernetes
deployments), so if you take that path you'll want to be prepared for
longer response times from the lists for anything Windows specific. If
you're a strong java shop, and you have folks with good search and java
skills (or quick learners), we'll certainly be happy to have your feedback
and/or patches if something isn't working right on Windows.

As for details on Azure itself, I've not dealt with that provider, but I'd
be surprised if there was a serious hurdle there. AWS, or on-prem data
centers are most common, either one with or without Kubernetes.

On Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 12:42 PM Balanathagiri Ayyasamypalanivel <
bala.cit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Our application moving to cloud... So all the components including solr we
> planning to move to cloud.
> Can we able to install Solr in AWS/Azure Cloud platform, anybody did that
> before.
> Regards,
> Bala.

http://www.needhamsoftware.com (work)
https://a.co/d/b2sZLD9 (my fantasy fiction book)

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