Hi Solr Experts,

Any comment here.


On Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 2:37 PM Kamal Kishore Aggarwal <
kkroyal....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Currently, we are using solr 8.8.2 version and have implemented
> highlighting feature on 2 fields - KIN (title) and SNPT (description) with
> the *fastvector* method.
> Below are the highlight params:
> [image: image.png]
> While upgrading solr from 8.8.2 to 9.1.1 version, we are observing few
> minor discrepancies in the highlight snippets. FYI, there were certain
> documents missing in solr 9.1.1, the data is not the same in both clusters.
> Now, when I tested manually for certain queries to fetch 10 documents from
> both the solr cluster and compare the snippets from both, here are the
> observations:
> 1. The result count is the same for these queries, I have excluded the
> missing data using the filter query.
> 2. The highlight snippet of KIN field which is title like field is the
> same i.e the highlights matched for 45-50 documents which I checked
> manually.
> *3.  One of the highlighted snippets out of 2 snippets of theSNPT field,
> which is a description-like field, varies for 5-10% of documents which I
> checked manually. (This is an issue).*
> Furthermore,
>    1. Took a document  where highlights for Snippets in AWS and On-prem
>    were different and indexed that document.
>    2. Lets say *solr8v1* is the collection with only one record on solr
>    8.8.2, *solr9v1* is the collection with only one record on solr 9.1.1
>    version. Lets day  *solr8vN*  is the collection with all records on
>    solr 8.8.2, *solr9v1* is the collection with all records on solr 9.1.1.
>    3. Indexed that separated document in both the new collections -
>    *solr8v1*   and  *solr9v1*  .
>    4. Ran queries on both 4 collections.
> Observations
> HL of the same document are different on  *solr8v1* * and * *solr8vN**.
> Infact, HL snippets of 4 collections for the same query **are different*
> *.*
> Below are the different highlights for same query on different collections:
> 1. solr8v1 - Collection with only 1 document on Solr 8.8.2
> "highlights" : {
>           "SNPT" : [ {
>             "value" : "Consolidate+PMX+22.07 | MS <font>360</font> SDK
> version is 6.12.13 | Please share SDK <font>Chassis</font> version. <p>Step
> 1:NA <br"
>           }, {
>             "value" : "br />Below error is coming in prod when cust
> <font>microservice</font> is calling party-organization MS and in case"
>           } ]
>         }
> 2. solr8vN - Collection with all documents on Solr 8.8.2
> "highlights" : {
>           "SNPT" : [ {
>             "value" : "Consolidate+PMX+22.07 | MS <font>360</font> SDK
> version is 6.12.13 | Please share SDK <font>Chassis</font> version. <p>Step
> 1:NA <br"
>           }, {
>             "value" : "    As per PMX 22.07 account should be using SDK
> <font>Chassis</font> 7.1.z &#x0D;\nWhy are you using 6.12.z ?&#x0D;\nhttps"
>           } ]
>         }
> 3. solr9v1 -  Collection with only 1 document on Solr 9.1.1
> "highlights" : {
>           "SNPT" : [ {
>             "value" : "Consolidate+PMX+22.07 | MS <font>360</font> SDK
> version is 6.12.13 | Please share SDK <font>Chassis</font> version. <p>Step
> 1:NA <br"
>           }, {
>             "value" : "    As per PMX 22.07 account should be using SDK
> <font>Chassis</font> 7.1.z &#x0D;\nWhy are you using 6.12.z ?&#x0D;\nhttps"
>           } ]
>         }
> 4. solr9vN - Collection with all documents on Solr 9.1.1 (i.e this
> collection has less data than solr 8)
> "highlights" : {
>           "SNPT" : [ {
>             "value" : "br />Below error is coming in prod when cust
> <font>microservice</font> is calling party-organization MS and in case"
>           }, {
>             "value" : "Consolidate+PMX+22.07 | MS <font>360</font> SDK
> version is 6.12.13 | Please share SDK <font>Chassis</font> version. <p>Step
> 1:NA <br"
>           } ]
>         }
> Also,  I went through solr release notes also to check if there are any
> changes in solr Highlighting algorithm, but could not find anything related
> to it in release notes. Please confirm if this minor highlight difference
> is expected in solr upgrade and what could be the reason for it.
> Regards
> Kamal

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