If you are adding new documents or modifying existing documents while
issuing delete-by-query requests, you may see performance degradation on
non-leader replicas.  Leaders apply updates in a specific order.  In order
to guarantee they use the same order, non-leaders (certainly when using NRT
replication, unsure about TLOG replicas) might have to replay the
delete-by-query operation multiple times.  You should see something along
the lines of "Reordered DBQs detected" in your log file.

On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 12:41 PM mtn search <search...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I believe I have heard there are some issues with Delete by Query for
> SolrCloud.  I did not pick up on what the symptoms were.  If this is true,
> what are the issues?
> Thanks,
> Matt

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