Hey Kevin,

I hope I'm not replying here too late.

The best docs on this are in the "SolrCloud Distributed Requests" page
[1]. In short though - by default Solr won't have any preference, it
does "just" a round-robin or random choice among the healthy replicas
for each shard.  Users may provide a "shards.preference" parameter to
tell Solr to prefer replicas meeting various criteria, but there's no
default value for that.

In terms of the CPU you're observing in your perf test - maybe your
perf driver is specifying a "shards.preference" param that prioritizes
PULL replicas?




On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 5:21 PM Kevin Liang (BLOOMBERG/ 919 3RD A)
<klian...@bloomberg.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> Given a mix of TLOG/PULL nodes in our solr cloud, the behavior I'm observing 
> from metrics is that CPU load is high for the leader TLOG (indexing) and the 
> PULL nodes (read queries) however for the most part the other TLOG nodes 
> remain very underutilized by comparison. My understanding is that TLOG nodes 
> replicate the same way PULL nodes do (+ transaction log), so they should also 
> be available to service read queries no? I'm wondering if anyone knows how 
> the leader distributes read queries, as I wasn't able to find much in the way 
> of documentation. Thanks
> -Kevin

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