Hello everyone,

In the last couple weeks we raised the topic of implementing a new Admin UI
for Solr to replace the current one with a modern and more user-friendly

Together with the community from the Slack group, we have already collected
some input for the new designs, but we would also like to gather more
input, ideas and feedback from Solr users, for both the new and old UI, so
that we can take everyone's opinion into account before implementing a new

For this reason, I would like to share the current state of the new designs
and ask for your input. The designs can be found at

The new designs are only a proposal and neither final nor what will be
included in the final version. We will try to take everyone's opinion and
input into account, but may not be able to satisfy all needs. For such
cases, consider one of the third-party solutions that are out there.

For more context, you can find the latest developer discussions in the
thread SIP-7 New Admin UI

*How to Participate*

Everyone's input is welcome, whether it is an idea of improvement, feature
request or just an opinion.
Reply to this thread / email (prefered) or use the slack group for sharing
your input. Take into account that images are stripped from emails. To
reference a screen from the designs use a link instead (see notes in the
Introduction page in Figma).

Best regards,
Christos Malliaridis

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