Hi Http2SolrClient is no longer experimental as of 9.6.0. See https://solr.apache.org/guide/solr/latest/upgrade-notes/major-changes-in-solr-9.html#solr-9-6
Jan Høydahl > 29. juli 2024 kl. 10:35 skrev dario.v...@coop.ch: > > Dear Solr Team, > > I am a little Confused as to what Client I should be using. > > On the solr server we use version 9.5.0 and on the client side we use 9.4.1. > So, we are fully on the solr 9 train. (Can there be problems when client and > server are not using exactly the same version?) > > Now the problem that we have is that since version 9 you state in the java > docs that the HttpSolrClient is deprecated. You plead to use Http2SolrClient. > https://solr.apache.org/docs/9_0_0/solrj/org/apache/solr/client/solrj/impl/HttpSolrClient.html > > Now of course under normal circumstances I would just fallow this request. > But these are no ordinary circumstances. > Under the documentation for the Http2SolrClient you warn that this api is > experimental. > https://solr.apache.org/docs/9_0_0/solrj/org/apache/solr/client/solrj/impl/Http2SolrClient.html > > To be honest, I now feel very uncomfortable in using solr 9 in production at > all. Neither the old client nor the new client seem to be good options. > > Can you reassure you that the new client is not experimental anylonger? After > all this warning was there since its inception in solr 8.0.0 > https://solr.apache.org/docs/8_0_0/solr-solrj/org/apache/solr/client/solrj/impl/Http2SolrClient.html > > My hope is that you just forgot to remove the warning in the api for solr 9. > > With kind regards, > > Dario Viva