We've been running regular backups on clouds ranging in size up to several 
hundred GB. So far we've not had any major issues, but larger clouds may take 
several hours to complete. 

We've noticed no significant impact to query/ingestion latency (+-10% roughly), 
but running queries at the same time as backup will noticeably increase CPU 
usage (backup by itself will use around 1-2 cores worth of CPU cycles)

From: users@solr.apache.org At: 07/26/24 11:51:13 UTC-4:00To:  
Subject: Re: Collection Backup API

Looks like I found the answer -

The backup command is an asynchronous call, and it will represent data from
> the latest index commit point. All indexing and search operations will
> continue to be executed against the index as usual.

With that said if anyone has any tips/warnings for using the backup/restore
API feel free to share.

On Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 9:35 AM mtn search <search...@gmail.com> wrote:

> And the same question for the Snapshot API -
> On Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 9:28 AM mtn search <search...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Does the Backup API -
>> - work if there is live indexing going on to the collection while the
>> backup is in progress?
>> Thanks,
>> Matt

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