At 22:05 30/07/2023 +0000, Chuck DeVivo wrote:
... one such application, another would be the
value of parallel resistors. (The formula for
that is Rt=1÷(1/R1+1/R2+
1/Rn) for what its
worth.) I like to have columns of repeating
formulae like that, but that yields divide by 0
errors. Is it possible to add an option to the
effect of treat divide by blank cells as blank
or something similar? Using the resistor
example, if the desired Rt is a standard value
like 1,000, then R2 and up would be omitted. But
leaving them blank results in an error. Not a
huge deal, as that particular line can be
altered for the final BOM, but if during testing
it is determined to have to be altered, then it
may need to be entered again. And it does trigger a minor OCD reaction
Seems to work. Sensibly enough, if the condition
is satisfied, the fateful division is apparently not performed - so no error.
Note that the apparently simpler
... MAX(0;1/A1) ...
does not work, as the division is necessary
before the function result can be evaluated.
Again, just something for the wish list.
Your wish is my command.
I trust this helps.
Brian Barker
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