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appropriate download selection should be made for you. Click Download
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OpenOffice. Don't click anything there - your download should start
within a few seconds.
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On 29/03/2023 09:15, Craig Hulsebos wrote:
Dear Friends,
During Covid my old computer with XP gave up and a friend who lived nearby
set up a computer for me with Windows 10. He at that time installed
OpenOffice. I've used it for all this time. I'm 80, and legally blind.
Recently when using Open Office I get the message that I can download an
update. I would love to do so but I was never told or given info or a
password. The man who put the computer together has moved away and I no
longer have contact info with him; thus no way to see if he has the
password anymore. So ... Where do I go from here? How do get an update?
I would appreciate any and all help.
Thank you,
W. Craig Hulsebos
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