I just checked with the 0.4.0 release (7.3.2023). In fact I unpublished
it... ;-)

For every release you can go to "More information" and there you can
unpublish it.

This is different from publishing/unpublishing the extension site itself.



Am 28.03.23 um 14:15 schrieb Bogdan:
> Thank you!
> I've just added the remaining (old) versions and I see them all on SF,
> in subdirectories. So, it seems to be working. I had to re-add 1.0.0,
> though. I don't mind that it was lower on the list than the new-old
> versions, but it wasn't the default download, and that's bad.
> Another question: I wasn't able to update the old releases, I had to
> re-create them. Before I do something really stupid again, how can I
> delete the old-old releases? Can I enter each individual release's
> page (the one that has just the links "View", "Edit" and "Unpublish")
> and click "Unpublish" there? The link is different that the "main
> Unpublish" for the whole extension, but is this the right way?
> Bogdan
> Matthias Seidel <matthias.sei...@hamburg.de>, Tue Mar 28 2023 13:46:35
> GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
>> Hi,
>> published!
>> I think only version 1.0.0 is downloadable, maybe you can try to add the
>> other releases again?
>> Sorry for the inconvenience.
>> Regards,
>>     Matthias
>> Am 28.03.23 um 13:42 schrieb Bogdan:
>>> Hi.
>>> Extension was downloadable (well, at least the file existed on
>>> SourceForge) - OK.
>>> I wasn't able to check if the e-mail address got fixed. When I clicked
>>> "Unpublish" to check if some additional information (or at least a
>>> warning of some kind) would be displayed - bang! Immediately
>>> unpublished. Well, at least I know the e-mail address is still WRONG -
>>> it's still nore...@extensions.openoffice.org.
>>> I'm really ashamed to ask again, but could you make the extension
>>> published again? Sorry about that.
>>> It would also be good to write on the wiki about how the process goes
>>> and what to do (and not to do) to have your extension published.
>>> Fixing the contact e-mail address would be nice, too...
>>> Bogdan D.
>>> Peter Kovacs <pe...@apache.org>, Tue Mar 28 2023 00:16:22 GMT+0200
>>> (Central European Summer Time)
>>>> Sorry, for the long wait.
>>>> Can you test? Should be fixed now.
>>>> All the best
>>>> Peter
>>>> Am 09.03.23 um 17:24 schrieb Bogdan:
>>>>> Hello.
>>>>> After I created my extension, I wanted to publish it, but instead I
>>>>> saw the message:
>>>>> "
>>>>> This extension is currently not published. Please contact the system
>>>>> administrator at nore...@extensions.openoffice.org to have it
>>>>> published, including a link to this page.
>>>>> "
>>>>>   What would be the actual address to write to? Because it isn't
>>>>> "noreply", right?
>>>>> The extension is:
>>>>> https://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/keyparastocx
>>>>> Thank you!

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