Is there a way to get AOO to accept real apostrophes (’) by default instead of the straight single quote (') in words?

Sometimes the spellchecking just doesn’t work well. Sometimes I wind up with nonsense words in the Suggestions list, usually with the most likely candidates at the bottom. Sometimes the word will be in the user dictionary, but for some reason still being flagged. Recently, I remembered years ago in a program the spellchecker would have a list of words and when none of them were correct, you typed in your word and it was added to the top of the list. Or if the word was correct and already in the dictionary but still being flagged, you had an option to mark the word as being the correct word and continue the search. I tried different strategies to fix this in the Exceptions dictionary, but it either winds up making no difference or making it worse.

Sometimes punctuation at the end of the sentence is flagged. I can understand when it is confused as to whether the period should be inside or outside of a quote mark or parenthesis, but sometimes it flags periods. Is there someway to add these punctuation markings permanently to an Ignore list? Or just have them not flagged at all?

Also I just realized having foreign dictionaries installed doesn’t really do anything to spellcheck foreign words and names in an English language file. I use a lot of foreign words and names in my files and stories. Could there be some way to make a document language neutral or something so words from all languages are checked? Or possibly a way to have a foreign language dictionary show up on the list of user dictionaries?

Rod Lockwood

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