I am running AOO 4.1.12 under Slackware Linux 14.2 (K4.4.301), with
Mariadb 10.0.38 and mysql-connector-java 5.1.42.
I have two databases (separate mariadb database files and separate AOO
.odb files) which I would like to work on and I have two questions about
that work:
1. I would like to import the table structure (_Not_ the data), SQL
queries, data entry forms, and maybe as a bonus, the reports, from
one of the databases into the other database. Does Base have
functions to do that (i.e. Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V across database lines) or
do I need to reinvent the wheel and recreate the structures in the
destination database?
2. If and when the above is done: within the same destination database,
can I merge (i.e. copy-append) data within one table into the new
database table created in #1 above?
I am pretty sure this can be done in Mariadb (MySql), but I think it
would be more time-consuming and difficult without a GUI. The answers to
these two questions will determine my procedure.