Dear Paul,

If you haven’t already got a better solution perhaps my attached work-around 
might be suitable. I generally abide by the KISS principle, I do have a few 
moderately complex formulae but I’m not a maths genius so I generally I find it 
easier to calculate in simple steps that are easier to create and easier to 
fault-find than large complex formulae (or that provide an alternative to 
formulae that I don’t even know exist), then I just hide the columns (or rows) 
with any interim steps that clutter the page or that I don’t need to have 

I’ve made some notes in the spreadsheet. You probably won’t need most of them, 
but I’m providing them just in case you do.

Good luck,


Attachment: Possible work-around.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

> On 1 Sep 2022, at 10:42 am, Paul Collins <> wrote:
> I’m setting up a spreadsheet to monitor weight gain or loss following recent 
> illness. Can anyone tell me the syntax I need to compare decimals (Kg weight) 
> to a fixed decimal (F1) and express the answer as a percentage.
> This will enable me to monitor daily weight gain or loss, please? Below is a 
> screenshot
> The constant (original weight) is in cell F1.  I wish enter each day’s weight 
> in Column B and have that weight compared to original weight and expressed as 
> a +/- %. 
> <AOO Compare decimals as percent.png>
> I am using digital bathroom scales, calibrated to kilograms (and decimals 
> thereof). The scales can also be calibrated to ‘pounds / stones’. 
> Since Australia decimalised, I am now able to understand most (but not ALL) 
> metric measures.
> Yours faithfully, Paul Collins,

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