At 20:25 24/08/2022 +0100, Peter Fox wrote:
I am having problems achieving my aims on open office.
It might help if you said what your aims were!

when on text documents I choose landscape and then click on 2 columns which divides the page in half , but I can only text on the left column because the cursor will not travel to the right hand column .
That's exactly what is supposed to happen. Columns work the way that 
a newspaper is structured: as you enter text, the first column is 
filled first and text flows naturally to the next column when the 
first is full - just as text flows from page to page when you don't 
have columns. If you wish to skip to the next column before one 
column is full, you can do this using Insert | Manual Break... | Type 
| Column break.
But it sounds as if what you may really be trying to do is to lay out 
text in the two sides of your page independently, in which case 
columns are not the way to go. Instead, consider using a table (Table 
| Insert > | Table...) with one row and two columns. Tables do not 
need to have borders, so they need not be visible in the final document.
Are you perhaps trying to create a booklet, by folding multiple 
sheets in landscape orientation? If so, you may like to investigate 
OpenOffice's useful Brochure facility. You create a document in 
portrait orientation and with the final actual page size - half the 
paper size - and then print it with the paper in landscape 
orientation. OpenOffice takes care of sorting the pages of the 
document so that they print in such a way that the stack of sheets 
can be folded into a properly sequenced booklet.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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