At 17:26 04/07/2022 +0100, David Deeks wrote:
ATTN Brian Barker?

I trust others are permitted to offer assistance?

Here is where I have hit the problem. I am attaching a copy of the full spreadsheet as it usually is, sorted on columns A,I,B ... … and the same spreadsheet but with column I converted using "Text to columns". If you go to the bottom you will see that there is one more row at the end of column I, and the values in the rows above are one row below where they should be.

I dealt with this issue in my last message. The "Text to Columns" trick will work for both your four-digit numbers and text, but goes awry for your rogue value which was in I1812. There you had "*2011 **1996" with a line break separating the two parts. "Text to Columns" divides this into two rows of the column - not what you need. As I said, you will have to deal with this first - perhaps by deleting the value and reinserting it after the conversion. But in any case, how do you wish or expect this value to sort amongst other values in Column I anyway? Note that this rogue value has moved to I1241 in your latest version of the spreadsheet.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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