Hi all,

Just FYI, Rob is testing the free version of AO Office now...



Am 20.02.22 um 14:20 schrieb Rob Cook:
> Dear Sir for Madam,
> I have been a user of OpenOffice for many years in my profession as a design 
> engineer. I am now retired and have replaced my ageing windows laptop with an 
> Apple iPad. I was hoping to download OpenOffice onto it and continue as 
> before. I am now a volunteer for a charity who’s aim is to reconnect a 
> disused canal to the River Trent in Nottingham, England and need a good word 
> processor to deal with the many documents which I deal with daily.
> Unfortunately OpenOffice does not seem to be available for my iPad and the 
> Apple Numbers and Pages are so incredibly poor and so far removed from the 
> excellent OpenOffice software I’ve been happy to use for so many years that I 
> don’t even want to learn how to use them. No one I know uses Pages or Numbers 
> either. 
> Could you please advise if there is any chance that a version of OpenOffice 
> for iPad and iPhone will be released in the near future?  
> Thank you for so many years of use of your excellent product.
> Rob Cook
> Head Ranger 
> Grantham Canal Society 
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