Thank you for showing me the way back to you (email address) .
And for fairly quick replies.

A friend directed me to the "turn it off; unplug; wait; re-plug; and turn on" 

Then, yes, I did the 2 step process. And I've been busily working away since.

thank you, very much,


From: Moderator <>
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2022 11:01 PM
To: <>
Cc: Lisa Floyd <>
Subject: Re: Help! lost Open Office on my computer/laptop

The image shows the Welcome registration wizard dialog for AOO 4.1.7
Which suggests Lisa obtained the AOO installer from somewhere other than
the recommended source.

Lisa. Does simply clicking through the two steps of the wizard, instead
of clicking "Cancel", resolve the issue?
Please reply to not to me directly.

On 21/01/2022 21:53, Alan B wrote:
> The image is not displayed. What is the text in the image?
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 4:51 PM Lisa Floyd <> wrote:
>> It appears that an update must have run when I turned on my lap top this
>> morning.
>> Suddenly I am not able to open ANY Open Office document without getting
>> this messge:
>> Why and what to do?
>> lisafloyd

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