Hello All, Not sure I want to drown in all the drama/politics over at Oracle and how you acquired OO; but I would assume that you have a non-compete or other arrangement prohibiting you from 'giving-away' solaris or BSD compatible/ported OO?? I have 2 main questions that I'm needing of you?
First and generally speaking; OO current version is 4.1 & Libre is 7.1, are you really that far behind because Oracle didn't dev OO or did you just adopt all their dev and just continue as your release versions? Second, as the entire Linux Community have become FLAMING systemd-sexuals - while it is completely puzzling how there is such agreement about something as controversial as systemd -; among the TWO MILLION lines of un-audited code has suffered it's first crippling handicap... it appears that unix flavors are going to begin getting an infusion of interest, from mass exodus from the POXIS abomination... What are your intentions of a BSD/Open Indiana/Open Solaris install? The 2nd question is of pressing importance, as I'mn looking into putting some development into a Unix Desktop & needing productivity tools to come standard in the distro. Joseph Dingler “If you take care of your people, your people will take care of your customers and your business will take care of itself.” ~ J.W. Marriott