
What you’re describing is a Relational Data Base. This can be designed, built 
and maintained with the Base module in Apache OpenOffice.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 24, 2021, at 8:28 PM, Don Town <> wrote:
>>>> On September 23, 2021 at 7:35:19 PM, Don Town ( wrote:
>>> Hello everyone
>>> Is there any way to link various sheets in a document? 
>>> What I'd like to do is... to move any ONE sheet...and when switching to 
>>> another sheet, 
>>> the software might automagically place me at the same coordinates without 
>>> having to 
>>> navigate to them... such that ALL the sheets in a document stay coordinated 
>>> with 
>>> one another habitually. 
>>> That way, it's easy to review a specific piece of information in that same 
>>> area 
>>> across all the sheets . 
>>> Thanks 
>>> Don 
>>> Using: OO 4.1.7 and / or 4.1.8 on a Mac
>> On Sep 23, 2021, at 11:59 PM, David Belina <> wrote:
>> What you just described is a database.
>> Dave 
> My issue isn't about knowing what it's called.
> It's about finding out if / how to make that technique happen.
> I regularly need to create a new updated sheet every 3-4 days.
> The newer sheet is meant to update stock / information levels from the older 
> sheets that are to stay frozen in the <informational> condition they are in, 
> while also staying easy to review as they become increasingly obsoleted.
> You seem to imply this is possible.
> Would be nice to have the OLD sheetSSSS "leashed" to the new <most relevant> 
> sheet so they stay in step with being able to simultaneously glance back 
> easier at the same spot on all of them as the new information supercedes the 
> old.
> I have / had no idea if this is even possible, much less **how** to do it.
> Thanks
> Don
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