Thanks very much for your explanation re the Text to Columns facility Brian.
To answer your question … For many years I have done reviews for a music magazine and the values are quality ratings (1-5 ’stars’) for vinyl records and cds - three columns denoting Music Quality, Sound Quality, and (for vinyl) Background Noise i.e. clicks/pops. An entry such as 2-3 means that the tracks across the release vary from 2-3. An entry such as 2/3 means that the first side of a vinyl is rated an overall 2, the second side 3. The spreadsheet is many years old, passed on to me and perhaps originating from Microsoft Excel. Some of the entries in the sorted column have a preceding ‘ whereas others do not. I have never needed to ‘sort’ the reviewed recordings by quality rating before, but have recently needed to do so, hence discovering the resulting problem. All of the entries with a preceding ‘ sort ’successfully’ i.e. like this e.g. 2, then 2/3, 2-3, 3, 3/4 etc. All of the entries without the ‘ do so too, it’s just that they don’t mix! For my immediate requirement I’ll see to these rogue fields by manually inserting the rows into the required slots as you suggest. For future use I’ll have a go at modifying the spreadsheet in some way. While I have your attention(!), I’ll push my luck with one more query! You helped me a while back re re-sizing of rows. My query now is, once these have been re-sized to increase their height so that the values are fully displayed (whether by double clicking, using ‘optimal height' or manually) why is it that after saving/closing the spreadsheet they re-appear as the wrong size again, and is there a way of more permanently re-sizing? Thanks again All best David > On 28 Jun 2021, at 16:24, Brian Barker <> > wrote: > --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: