I followed your instruction below
For macOS 10.12 "Sierra" and up: In Finder, Control-click or right-click the 
icon of the app. Done Select Open from the top of contextual menu that appears. 
 Done Click Open in the dialog box.  No dialog box appeared, program opens 
documents menu. If prompted, enter an administrator name and password. This is 
needed just the first time you launch Apache OpenOffice.

Thank you

> On 2 Jun 2021, at 23:15, Keith N. McKenna <keith.mcke...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On 2021-06-02 13:01, Jasmina Mitrovic wrote:
>> Hello I have transferred content of my old MacBook Air to new one. 
>> Nevertheless, Openoffice is disabled and I need to contact the developer. As 
>> the app in snot in App store please support me. 
>> Thank you in advance 
>> Jasmina
> You are running up against the macOS Gatekeeper facility.See the Know
> Issues Section of the release Notes at the following link:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.10+Release+Notes#AOO4.1.10ReleaseNotes-FormacOSusers
> Regards,
> Keith

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