If the above solution doesn't help, have a look at [Troubleshooting]
Spell check in OpenOffice
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On 11/5/21 5:24 pm, Rory O'Farrell wrote:
On Tue, 11 May 2021 07:15:25 +0000
Stan Reffin <kmbc1...@outlook.com> wrote:
I have checked all the all boxes in the tools section and set English USA. The
bottom box of the spell check is greyed out. So the spell check seems not to be
working nor does the red underline when typing. Simple solution please from
Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10
A quick solution is to delete or rename your OpenOffice User Profile.
OpoenOffice, on next startup, will create a new User Profile, and the
spellcheck should work after that. To do this:
Close OpenOffice and the Quickstarter. Open File Explorer. Copy and paste
%appdata%\OpenOffice\4 in the File Explorer Address Bar and press Enter. Rename the
"user" folder (user.old is good to use). Start OpenOffice.
David Robley
This tagl ineh asto oman yfou rlet terw ords.
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