Hi Phillip,

Am 06.05.21 um 03:00 schrieb Phillip Cardon:
> Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10
> I registered so I could post comments, but at the end it gave message “unable 
> to send email”.
So you registered... It would be great if you could tell us where?
>  Now, it won’t let me register gives message that my user id and email or 
> already registered.
Then you wanted to register again and the system says you are already
registered. Sounds normal.
>  I then tried password recovery and I get the original message “unable to 
> send email, contact site administrator if condition persists”.

Maybe you should just try to log in? Give the credentials you choose,
when you first registered.

I hope that helps.




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