At 15:38 29/12/2020 +0000, Hugo Costa wrote:
If you are working well with your actual version of Open Office ­ then DO NOT UPGRADE IT !! If you upgrade you will have problems like the spell check, your user configuration, and so and so. If it is good working for what you do, then DO NOT UPGRADE Open Office. Unless it is extremely necessary. 4. 1. 5 ? it is good !! That's my advice.

It is perhaps worth emphasising that this is generally *not* good advice. Apart from improvements, new versions contain corrections as well as repairs to any security flaws discovered - and all users should generally install them. If problems arise on a particular system, they should be investigated and attended to.

It is also worth noting that the original questioner in this thread - despite the headline - experiences his new problems with his older version as well as with the new one, strongly suggesting that the newer version is not to blame.

Brian Barker

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