On 08/11/2020 14:01, Michel Pelland wrote:
Thank you.
When I wrote this email, I thought I was writing to the developper. Do
you have their address?
Check the OpenOffice site and click on Support, there you find how you
can report a bug.
Michel Pelland
Le dim. 8 nov. 2020, à 07 h 24, Martin Groenescheij
<mar...@groenescheij.com <mailto:mar...@groenescheij.com>> a écrit :
On 8 Nov 2020, at 08:27, zahra ayat <nasrinkhaks...@gmail.com
<mailto:nasrinkhaks...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> i believe that openoffice is not stable as microsoft office.
> and its a common problem in this program.
> but i believe that you should report the bug for openoffice
That’s a lot of believes, I rather like to see facts.
Apart from that the error message “general input/output error'' comes
from the Operating System and that’s in this case Microsofts
> i had some files that when i wanted to open with libreoffice, the
> result was crashing.
> i reported the bug to libreoffice developers.
> thanks God, they resolved the bugs for me.
> and openning all of my files using libreoffice without crashing
became possible.
> when you made account and reported the bug, dont forget to
attach your
> file and remove sensitive informations if you have such informations
> in your file.
>> On 11/7/20, Michel Pelland <michelpelland...@gmail.com
<mailto:michelpelland...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I always receive a ''general input/output error while
accessing'' my file.
>> I get this message twice, then ''error saving document''???
>> I reloaded the application, restarted my computer, tried again:
I was able
>> to save once and then the same problem.
>> What can I do?
>> Thanks
>> Michel Pelland
> --
> By God,
> were I given all the seven heavens
> with all they contain
> in order that
> I may disobey God
> by depriving an ant
> from the husk of a grain of barley,
> I would not do it.
> imam ali
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