Thanks for your reply. Actually, it is just a text page in Open Office Writer.  
I am trying to alphabetize my listsand am having no success doing so.
I AM NOT using a spreadsheet, and I have no idea what a '' Data Range '' is. 
Here is a photo of my list of items Iam simply  trying to alphabetize from A to 
I have tried to highlight the items, go to TOOLS > sort > etc but it has no 
effect on alphabetizing the list.
Thank you. Rob

  >    On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 08:06:51 PM CST, Steven Ahlers 
<> wrote:  

Are you using a spreadsheet in Calc? If so have you defined your DATA RANGE?

Your example list will sort fine once you have defined the DATA RANGE.

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Sent from my iPhone
>> On 11/3/2020 5:28 PM, Robert Peeters wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I cannot get my Open Office to sort lists for me.  I am trying to 
>> alphabetize a list,and have followed all tutorials and google searches to 
>> try it. For example, here isthe list I would like to put in alphabetical  
>> order from A to Z:
>> Is this problem due to the fact that there are several words on each line?
>> AppleJack & Peel
>> Vanilla Bean
>> Cinnamon
>> FreshCut Christmas Tree
>> Smell of Christmas
>> Christmas Splendor
>> Sugared Spruce
>> Hillbilly Mistletoe
>> Fireside
>> Vanilla Bean Noel
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