Sorry Art I can't I can't offer further  help on this. Maybe another forum 
member will be able to.Alan.

-------- Original message --------
From: Art Pederson <> 
Date: 29/10/2020  03:20  (GMT+00:00) 
To: Apache Open Office <> 
Subject: Re: Making Apache Open Office my default program 

Because the file originated from friends "Read" link, I could not identifythe 
file type.On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 01:16, Alan Pearce 
<>wrote:> Go to your file  manager, right click 
on the file you want to open and> select "open  office". That  file  will then 
always open in your chosen> system.>> Alan.>> -------- Original message 
--------> From: Art Pederson <>> Date: 28/10/2020  03:15  
(GMT+00:00)> To: Apache Open Office <>> Subject: 
Making Apache Open Office my default program>> Something changed on my 
laptop(Windows 10) and it now tries to use> Outlook365 (not on my computer) 
instead of Apache Open Office to open> files.  Howdo I make Apache Open Office 
my default program again?> Thanks.-- God Bless!Art PedersonPrince Albert, 
Saskatchewan,> Canada*****************************Email:, 
ve5aap> @gmail.com God Bless!Art PedersonPrince 
Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada*****************************Email:, ve5aap@gmail.com

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