Hi Hellen,

Here is the note I use to do this:

\n for line break ctrl-enter
$ for a paragraph break

    * Regular carriage returns are $
    * Soft returns inserted with a Shift Return, are \n
    * Just an empty paragraph, i.e. a carriage return but with no text on that line, is ^$
    * Tabs are \t
from: http://openoffice.blogs.com/openoffice/2005/12/finding_and_rep.html

You also have to select more options regular expressions.

Hope this helps!


On 10/27/2020 3:20 PM, Aloris Te wrote:
Hi all,
So thankful for everyone that contributes and makes this product so
incredibly amazing!
I have one question: I am unable to do a find/replace on a line break [as
when a user hits "enter" and is reflected as the "paragraph symbol" when
the nonprinting characters (CTRL+F10) is active].
In other words, if I have an address list with 30 addresses in Writer, but
I want to move it over to the spreadsheet in address format, I don't want
each line to be put in each cell...I want the address to show up in the
spreadsheet as one complete address per cell. But because there is no
capability to find/replace the paragraph end, I cannot make the lines
appear in the same cell, with a soft return in the same cell.
I appreciate if someone could assist me to discover the right method of

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