Dear Sirs:
I was working with Apache Open Office Writer. Here's what I did. I was
gathering some notes on a subject that involved attempting to copy an image
to the document.
I copied the image (an image of a plat of land on a map of DeSoto Parish in
Louisiana). Immediately upon doing so a blue circle began to spin as if it
working to download the image which is normal. However, it was taking a lot
of time so I had some other things to do and when I returned to my computer
there were pages and pages of letters ... and numbers .. lots of them. When
I attempted to delete them Open Office Writer froze up. I restarted my
computer several times. Of course,  each time document did recover (going
thru the recover process) .. BUT .. it did it over and over again.
So, I not very tech-savvy but somehow I corrupted the software I guess. ..
What do I do now?
Plus, I thought about uninstalling Open Office.. but then I thought .. hmmm
I might lose all of my other Open Office Writers files.
So, I did not want to do anything before contacting you first.
Please tell me what to do.

Sid Myers ..

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