I am hoping to get some help resolving this very annoying issue, - very well
knowing it is at no fault at all to “open office”! Tried for quite some time
to fix it, but with no positive result. Knowing your huge knowledge and
abilities to solve PC problems I am turning to you for help. Please ignore
if it is not allowed or “out of your fields”.
Sudden Crash downs for no obviously reason and with no pattern. Famous Blue
screen :
 DPC watchdog violation ,- or Win. Stop code 
Failure code varies from TDR to video failure. 
Already researched all possibilities for "fixes" and tried them all out, it
seems to help for a little while, but then suddenly it happens again without
any obvious reasons! 
I am running Win.10 and do know MS and updates are properly to blame, but to
get through to them is impossible.

With thanks

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