years ago Mikroslop released MSWord, among its many features was "Auto-save", its function was to automatically save your work every 20 minutes. When it got to the 6th automatic save it would totally destroy your work, the file you were editing AND all the automatic backups, as described in this thread. This behaviour, well known to Microsoft and many of its users, was retained in all further releases upto and including Office 97. In the middle of this period I switched to OS/2 for most of my work. I battled with the clunky Word Processors of the day until I discovered Star Office which was functionally equivalent to MS Office except for the faults like the autosave, which were fixed and forgotten by most. Over time Star Office was acquired by one of the big players in the Non-Windows side of the industry (might have been Oracle) and became free like the air, spawning (I believe) OpenOffice, FreeOffice, LibreOffice and others. So if you are like me, disable 'features' like auto-save that give you exciting distractions and export your work to plain text offline storage, save to disk and shut your computer down and go have a coffee in the park, with a friend. It won't slow you down any more than the continual "go to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00".
On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 at 07:29, Bec Koshak <> wrote: > Your update this morning corrupted 25 pages of my next novel and it now is > all useless hashtags. Thanks s= > o very much. >