Den lör 8 aug. 2020 kl 23:12 skrev David Carroll <>:

> Every week I have to write a radio show.  Every week, Open Office crashes,
> and I have to rewrite.  I have tried finding a way to back up my text, but
> nothing works.
> Is there a cure for this?

Probably only the usual cure: File a bug report and include as much
information as possible and then wait for a fix.
Other fixes are maybe not Apache OpenOffice-related in the same way, such
as switching to another operating system to see if that helps. Or, if
nothing works, try another office suite, such as LibreOffice or any of the
others (at least until the issue in Apache OpenOffice is fixed). I guess
I'm not supposed to suggest that, but if nothing helps and you need to
work, what can you do? The job has to be done, right?

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

> David Carroll

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