On Wed, 29 Jul 2020 14:54:20 +0000 (UTC)
FNX Coyote LLC <fnxcoy...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote:

> I have been using your product for years. Today I open a word document and 
> all the text is listed as "mis spelled". There are no word references in the 
> English dictionary for any of the words in the English language.
> What needs to be done to fix this situation.I downloaded the English 
> extension again and it still does not work. I removed uninstalled the 
> application, and reinstalled a new copy and the problem remains.
> Ken

Start by renaming your OpenOffice user profile.

If you are using Windows close OpenOffice and the Quickstarter. Open File
Explorer. Copy and paste %appdata%\OpenOffice\4 in the File Explorer (sometimes 
called Windows Explorer)
Address Bar and press Enter. Rename the "user" folder - "user.old" is a
good choice. Start OpenOffice.

This cures most spellcheck problems.

Loss of spellchecker can occur when the computer has been powered off too 
swiftly, before the internal housekeeping has been written to disk. After you 
have closed OpenOffice, use the formal computer power-off procedure to shut the 
computer down, then wait a few seconds (ten will probably be enough) to allow 
the internal buffers in the hard disk be flushed to the platters, before 
pulling the power plug or closing the laptop lid.
Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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