Dear OpenOffice, I spot so many problems when I was using OpenOffice.
On the text document of the same file, some of the incorrect spelling is detected by a red, squiggly line below the incorrectly spelled word, but on the same file, some of the incorrect spelling is not detected by not showing a red, squiggly line below the incorrectly spelled word. How am I going know if the spelling of the word is incorrect? I click “Tools” to “Options”; from “Writing Aids” under language settings, I turn on “Check Spelling As You Type,” but some of the incorrect spelling is still not detected by not showing a red, squiggly line below the incorrectly spelled word. I believe that the text document is enforcing pro-discrimination. On the presentation, I want to control the font of each cell of the table and to control the font size of each cell of the table, but the presentation controls my volition of having an Arial font of each cell of the table and of having a font size of 18 of each cell of the table. I keep getting so many crashes when I do my work via OpenOffice. Please fix those problems. Computers and software should not be controlling users’ volitions! Sincerely, Adam Branca Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10