At 11:58 30/04/2020 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote:
It seems that print-settings for my Calc file do not stick.
I think they should.
(Wasted several sheets of ink.)
There are two solutions for that:
o Use File | Page Preview (or the Page Preview button in the Standard
toolbar) before actually printing. (You can adjust page formatting
from within Page Preview.)
o Another way is to install a virtual PDF printer: freeware versions
are available. You don't need this for creating PDF copies of your
documents, as OpenOffice includes the File | Export as PDF...
facility. But having a PDF creation facility masquerading as a
printer means that you can use the normal Print function to create a
PDF and inspect it before wasting paper and ink or toner.
A change of page-breaks also causes a change of scaling, or width,
of the printed document. Is that normal?
I think the answer is "No - by default". But it can be "Yes" if you
have chosen to set Format | Page... | Sheet | Scale | Scaling mode to
something other than "Reduce/enlarge printout". With other options
there, you will see automatic adjustments as you make other changes.
Try "Reduce/enlarge printout" and Scaling factor: 100% if in doubt.
Please, someone remind me of which slider control, near top or near
bottom of screen, actually controls print-output scaling factor and
which controls the screen scale factor. I might be using the incorrect one.
I think the scaling mode and factor described above are the only
place where the output differs from what you have set up in your
actual spreadsheet. The screen scaling - which doesn't affect
printout - can be changed in various ways:
o Go to View | Zoom... . Experiment with the settings there to
produce the effect you prefer.
There are also two controls near the right end of the Status Bar, at
the bottom of the OpenOffice window. (You may need to toggle this on
at View | Status Bar):
o The Zoom slider allows you to adjust the zoom factor in alternative ways:
+ Click the button where you want it to appear,
+ Drag the button to the appropriate position,
+ Or click the "-" and "+" buttons as desired to increase or
decrease the zoom factor.
o Right-click the "Zoom percent" display in the corner and select an
option from the context menu.
I trust this helps.
Brian Barker
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