On Wed, 1 Apr 2020 08:38:47 -0400
Bob Herrold <bjherr...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote:

> Rory, thanks. Great info. Just bought HP Notebook with SSD drive. Much 
> quicker, but looks like recovering stuff is iffy per you email info. I 
> downloaded ODT file recovery program from the net. Hopefully useful if needed 
> in future.
> Bob H.

Best not to allow any need for file recovery.  OpenOffice file format is 
complex and takes a little longer to generate than a flat file.  Do not allow a 
computer to sleep with an OO file open.  Close your file, then OpenOffice. When 
shutting down computer, wait for disk activity to cease before closing laptop 
lid or powering off a desktop, this was necessary with conventional hard disk 
drives which internally buffered the data and the time (a few seconds) was 
necessary to permit the internal buffers to flush to disk before the power was 
cut.  It may not be necessary, or as necessary, with SSD drives.  But I'm old 
fashioned, and always close down leisurely.

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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