Dear Sir/Madam, 1. If the spell check facility of writer can be improved to have keyboard shortcuts then the usage for regular users like me can increase.
2. If the spell check facility is improved to allow inclusion of external text files as reference files for spell check then one can have his own custom built spell check file that will eventually result in lesser and lesser time being spent on spell check. In 4.1.7 (En-US) "Writer" I could not find the path to the spell check file like ....custom.dic of Word 2000. 3. Macro facility of Word 2000 does not allow external txt files to attached in a VB project thereby limits the spell check correction and it cannot be increased to several thousands of corrections. I get an error on an Lenovo I3 L412 after the vb code length increases more than 2200 words per file and has therefore resulted in entering about 45 files to the spell check macro whenever I format the device. Generally format of the device is to be done after about a month. The OS being used is Win XP sp2. 4. I have not been able to use the available "Autocorrect" facility on the spell check popup window. My suggestion would be to use this tab exclusively for the user to have his own spell check system: a) a few attachable, modifiable and increasable txt dict reference files. b) a macro facilitation that is able to correct a few thousand already corrected and recorded strings/ string sequences (an ocr text can present even a simple word as: "Pres-ident" "butthe" "isan" etc. c) Auto text entries that are too frequently needed to be corrected. I can send you the text samples that I correct everyday. With regards. Ashutosh Airi 9818869041