
You probably need to download the latest version. Apache OpenOffice has been 64 
bit for MacOS for awhile. Make sure you read and follow all the release notes 
so that you can successfully negotiate the Gatekeeper. ONLY download from: 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 23, 2020, at 12:58 PM, Laura Shook <> wrote:
> Hi, I have been using OpenOffice for years now and love it.  However I have 
> just installed Catalina onto my new MacBook Air and I am so disappointed to 
> see I can no longer use it.  Could you explain if there is a version that 
> will work with Catalina, if so how do I get it and use it, I am not a 
> computer technical person so a very basic answer is good.  My home number is 
> 250 5398079 if you need to call.  Thanks so much Laura
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