Den ons 30 okt. 2019 kl 23:29 skrev Stag Mist <>: > Dear OpenOffice Team, > > I'm using OpenOffice on a Mac. My problem is that when I open the app it > automatically opens a Text Document. Is there any option to change it from > opening a Text Document to a opening Spreadsheet? How can I set this? >
I don't have a Mac and it was a long time since I had Apache OpenOffice, but do n't you have icons somewhere for each and every one of the different parts of Open Office? if not, maybe you can change the line that starts the application? On my system, Manjaro with LibreOffice, the line for launching LibreOffice Calc looks like this: libreoffice --calc %U I' don't remember what command starts Apache OpenOffice, maybe it's still ”soffice”? In that case, did you try ”soffice --calc %U”? Maybe opening a terminal and enter something like ”man soffice” will give you a hint or two? Kind regards Johnny Rosenberg > > Thanks in advance, > SM >