In the Data drop down menu choose:

1) Define Range: give it a one word name, in the Range box specify the first 
and last cells
2) Select Range: choose a named range
3) Sort: Options tab—allows you to select options 
                 Sort Criteria—allows you to choose column(s) to sort on and 
order in each column

If it produces something you don’t like go to Edit drop down and Undo Sort

This may seem works for simple lists or multi column databases as long as you 
define the range correctly.

Please reply to the users list:
so that all users can assist you if you have any further questions.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 24, 2019, at 9:29 AM, John Clipper <> wrote:
> I will gladly pay for help. 
> nearly 2 hours spent on -
> 1. How to sign on to a Forum in order to ask  a question on Forum re 
> spreadsheets. No success.
> 2. found some “answers”. without signing on. See #1
> 3. The question was about how to sort data in Col A
> 4. I have used other features with success.
> J.Clipper 
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