On Sun, 22 Sep 2019 08:02:28 -0400
"David Myers" <get2le...@optonline.net> wrote:

> Da'anzho Apache, (in the immortal words of Yogi Berra, You can look it up)
> It's prob'ly been ten year since I logged in, maybe longer, so I tried to
> register, BUT . my email is already in use, so I tried to log in, BUT . the
> two most common user names I use weren't recognized, BUT . you don't have a
> link to email me my username upon some further identification.
> Let me ask what I want to know.  I wrote a 425 page novel 30 years ago
> before computers that almost got published, BUT . merger mania intervened,
> and those editors were offed.  Staples converted it to PDF.  Adobe
> supposedly converted that to Word, BUT . only the first 14 pages are
> editable, and eve they had every kind of typographical reconfiguration like
> bunching words together, some of which I could space apart, others I had to
> paste and redo, as well as 50 megaspaces between words on every page that I
> had to backarrow.  
>                 The rest reverts to Picture Tools in purple above the task
> bar with that insidious cross of theirs everywhere I move the cursor, like
> the target fixture in a sub periscope screen, aiming to blow up my whole
> document AND Word with it.
> I don't recall seeing Apache Word or Writing or Office as an option in the
> Thanks.
> David Myers
> 631-724-5675
> get2le...@optonline.net <mailto:get2le...@optonline.net>    
You need to pass it through an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program to 
convert it back to text; such programs often came (still come) with scanners.  
The very best are commercial applications but there are some free-/share-ware 
that will take a PDF file and recognise its text.  Accuracy is variable, but 
with a good OCR application about 98%; careful proofreading of the recognised 
text will be required.

On several occasions I have successfully used an OCR program called Tesseract, 
driven by gImageReader as a frontend.  Whether these are available for your 
operating system I cannot say, but some Internet searching on your part should 
esxtablish their availability.

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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