That wind you got was just some people's brain fart because they are
the club of a derivative software called libre' office. This club wants
to discourage people from using OpenOffice and junp onto the band
wagon of Libre' Office, which many programmers on the inside have
intimated to me privately that it contains malware that transmits one's
documents to multiple ip addresses.

On 9/18/19 9:17 AM, Mike Kuldayev wrote:


*Mike Kuldayev*

History Department Head & AP/CC Teacher


*P:* 509-319-2402 *F:* 888-317-6571 <>


I'm working in an online school and our teachers frequently encourage their students to download Open Office for free from your homepage. Recently, I've got wind that Open Office might be going away and/or students won't be able to download it for free in the near future. So, I just wanted to follow up with you to see if that's truly the case or just empty rumor?

Thank you much,

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