Hi there, I’m a user of Open Office 4.1.6 and I’m having problems opening xls files with inserted images.
When I open any type of Excel file with Open Office on Windows, I see the images like this: https://prnt.sc/oyn5fl <https://prnt.sc/oyn5fl> And in the original file the images are like this: https://prnt.sc/oyn7s9 <https://prnt.sc/oyn7s9> Here's the original file as a reference: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cgxyt0c3si2ao6s/test.xlsx?dl=0 <https://www.dropbox.com/s/cgxyt0c3si2ao6s/test.xlsx?dl=0> Could you help me fixing this problem, so that when I open Open Office I can see all the images correctly? Thank you. Renata Souto Neves Digital Manager r...@gauchere-paris.com --- GAUCHERE 188, rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris - France Phone: +33 1 40 26 41 82 Mobile: +33 6 42 68 42 92 www.gauchere-paris.com <https://gauchere-paris.com/> www.instagram.com/gauchereparis <https://www.instagram.com/gauchereparis/>